BPR Calls Foul

BPR, a right-wing leaning news repository (About BPR), cites a couple of individual left-leaning authors as evidence of a sweeping left-wing, Democratic party conspiracy. This is a claim of left-wing manipulation in the contentious debate and mud-slinging over the current Central American immigration/migration crisis. Their viewpoint is of a grand Democratic conspiracy, including the “liberal media”, by derailing talk of human-rights perspectives and arguments.

Founded in 2009 and headquartered in West Palm Beach, BizPac Review is comprised of an experienced team of accomplished editors and reporters in Chicago, New York, and across the key battleground state of Florida.

We give you the straight scoop and provide news and insights for the patriotic American who unabashedly loves their country and refuses to be silenced. BPR has broken important stories that have been spotlighted on Fox News and on the Rush Limbaugh show.

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To read this article, entitled, AP changes headline after liberals lash out over description of illegal caravan as ‘army of migrants’ and use your own critical thinking skills, click the button below.

The divisive nature of the political climate in the United States today is doing nothing to address common issues facing our society. Articles such as this one, making sweeping generalizations about an undefined “left”, unless you count the individual author’s cited here as spokespersons for the entire Democratic party, ignore the issues this so-called “migration crisis” brings up, ignores the historical realities of past immigration policies, allowances, and practices into the United States (my great-grandmother and great-grandfather were WOPs and policies allowed this “mass migration” from Europe special dispositions), and the economic realities that our society has participated in that have contributed to some of the severe problems in Central America (do you drink coffee or eat bananas?) makes us all culpable and cries of Nationalistic necessity are at best, farcical and at worst dangerous to our republic form of democracy.

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