Theme: Our Families ~ Our Future ~ Our Time
Mark your calendars, donate artwork, make plans to attend if you can.
- Admission to this conference is FREE. There is no conference admission or registration fee.
- The dates of the conference are (July 29-30)
- Conference will be centrally located in St. Louis, MO (Maryland Heights area)
- The venue has been selected. The conference will be held at a very nice St. Louis hotel. At the completion of the registration process, you will be directed to the hotel website so you can stay at the venue if you wish.
- The hotel will provide a shuttle from the airport
- We will provide a shuttle from the train station
- We are planning to have some amazing dynamic speakers including, among others:
- You will be intrigued by the informative breakout sessions
- We will have a 50/50 raffle as a fun way to help defer the cost of the conference and for someone to win some cash.
- Art sale:
- We will have an auction of art pieces produced by prisoners, registrants, or family members.
- If you are artistic and creative, whether you are attending the conference or not, please consider creating a project for this auction. If you have an incarcerated loved one, please ask them to create a work of art.
- Unsold art pieces cannot be returned. Therefore, we are respectfully asking that the artist donate their works as their contribution to this worthy cause; a cause that is designed to help us all.
- Completed art projects must be received NO LATER THAN July 20, 2017 at the following address:
Woman Against Registry
P O Box 463
Arnold, MO, 63010