CCRC scholarship round-up – August 2019
This article is a comprehensive list of recent scholarly studies. The main topics covered are:
- Legal collateral consequences
- Collateral consequences and criminal procedure
- Sex offender registration laws
- Informal collateral consequences
- Criminal records, expungement, sealing, and other relief mechanisms
The following excerpt is the introduction to the listing of these scholastic studies and reports. Of note are two academic reports pertaining to sex offenders and sex offender laws.
- Beyond Panic: Variation in the Legislative Activity for Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws Across States Over Time — Robert Lytle, Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock — 30 Criminal Justice Policy Review 451 (2019)
- Challenging the Punitiveness of “New-Generation” SORN Laws — Wayne A. Logan, Florida State University College of Law — 21 New Crim. L. Rev. 426 (2018)
CCRC Scholarship Round-UpEditor’s note: This past year has seen a burgeoning of scholarship dealing with collateral consequences broadly defined, from lawyers, social scientists, and philosophers. CCRC’s good friend Alessandro Corda has selected fifteen notable articles published in 2018-19, with information, links, and abstracts. They are organized into five categories:
(1) Legal collateral consequences (2) Collateral consequences and criminal procedure (3) Sex offender registration laws (4) Informal collateral consequences (5) Criminal records, expungement, sealing, and other relief mechanisms
A complete and regularly updated collection of scholarship on issues relating to collateral consequences and criminal records can be found on our “Books & Articles” page. From time to time we will preview and comment on new articles, and Alessandro has promised to provide another round-up by the end of the year. We hope he will continue indefinitely in the role of CCRC’s official bibliographer. (A PDF copy of this scholarship round-up is here.)
Collateral Consequences of Criminal Conviction and Restoration of Rights: News, Commentary, and Tools
is a website dedicated to the restoration of rights for those with a criminal past and a resource center of the collateral damage inflicted on those citizens with a criminal past by the criminal justice system.